We want to support and encourage the community to engage with and visit our regional park. We have been looking at different ways we can do this so the reserve is not seen as just a campground.

In October last year, we held our inaugural Tōtara Reserve Regional Park Open Day centred around the message 'Tuia te taiao | Tuia te tangata - Connecting the earth to the people, and the people to the earth'. The event showcased what the reserve has to offer and the different types of work Horizons does as part of the management of the reserve.

January saw us offer our first night walk experience. Our biodiversity experts shared information on bat, ruru (morepork) and other night creatures before we explored the Fern Walk armed with torches and bat detectors. The event was a trial to see how well these smaller events would work at Tōtara Reserve.

We now want to hear from you about what you would like to see happening at Tōtara Reserve.