Tōtara Reserve has associations with local Iwi and hapū, as described in Section 1.6 of the draft management plan, as well as connections with European history and settlement of the area. It is unquestionable that mana whenua have opportunities at Tōtara Reserve to maintain connection to this area.

For everyone, knowledge and understanding of history fosters engagement with, and respect for a place and its people. Therefore this activity is critical to support the vision for Tōtara Reserve.

Long term aspirations

  • Mātauranga Māori is considered with all aspects of Tōtara Reserve
  • Currently there is no obvious visual identity of Māori connection to Tōtara Reserve evident to people visiting the regional park.
  • How could mātauranga Māori be incorporated in the management of Tōtara Reserve?
  • A report that explores Māori history relevant to Tōtara Reserve contains many findings and stories of the area. How this information should be honoured and appropriately shared with users of Tōtara Reserve needs to be determined.
  • How can visitors learn about, and engage with Tōtara Reserve’s cultural heritage?

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