
Long-term Plan consultation is now open

26 March 2024

Our Long-term Plan (LTP) 2024-34 is our plan for council’s activities, including how we will ensure sustainable use of our region’s natural resources for the next ten years – and how we propose to rate for it. This is your opportunity to understand what we are proposing to do so you can have your say on the future of the region.

What we are consulting on?

We have some key issues as part of our consultation:

  • Managing our region’s water use
  • Reducing fencing and planting in our freshwater space
  • Planned public transport improvements
  • A whole-of-catchment approach to our business
  • Mapping highly productive land
  • Funding and investment changes
  • Protecting assets with appropriate insurance cover.

You are also able to give feedback on anything else we are doing, or you want us to do.

You have until 22 April to have your say and help us look long term for our region.

Have your say

Learn more about our Long-term Plan consultation and make a submission.