
What's this about?

As you may have read here, we're reviewing public transport in Manawatū - and we need your help to get it right.

We ran a survey in mid-2024 asking for some general information about how you travel in Manawatū and why. That survey closed on 2 September 2024. With the information you gave, we’ll plan routes which meet the needs of you and others in your community.

We gave two ways for you to give feedback:

  1. Mark the Map - add markers to an interactive map to tell us where you travel to and why you travel there. When adding a marker, people also got a short three-question survey to answer so we can get the data we need.
  2. Do the Survey - this was your standard-style survey, asking questions about public transport in Manawatū.

People could use both options to give feedback, as both will be used to plan how routes should run in the future.

We're also doing direct engagement with various groups and organisations to make sure we get a broad range of views on public transport in Manawatū.

Mark the map

  1. Use the 'Address Search' to find an address, or use your mouse/fingers to move the map to the general location you want to add your comment.
  2. Select the 'Add Marker' button and click/tap the specific location on the map you want to leave your comment. This will open a survey at the side of the map.
  3. Select why you travel to this location - for Work, Play, Health, to Shop, or to Learn.
  4. Fill out the short survey. When finished, select the 'Submit' button to leave your comment on the map.

Keyboards and Screenreaders

To make a contribution on the map using a keyboard or through assistive technologies such as screenreaders, please follow these steps:

  1. Use the 'Address Search' field to enter the location where you want to add your comment.
  2. Toggle to the 'Add Marker' button and select it. This will drop the pin at the address specified in the 'Address Search' field.
  3. Select why you travel to this location - for Work, Play, Health, to Shop, or to Learn.
  4. Fill out the details in the input form as required. When finished, select the 'Submit' button to leave your comment on the map.

We know a lot of Manawatū residents travel to Papaioea Palmerston North - we have a service to help with that - but we are most interested in locations inside Manawatū District.

We have already done a big engagement about services across and beyond the region - our Regional Services Review - which you can read about here.

As many as you like! We know people like travelling for a range of reasons to a variety of places, so it's only fair you can give us lots of markers. Remember, we want to know where you're travelling to - once you put the pin down, you'll be able to tell us where you travel from.

You can add your own marker if you want. However, we've also added a voting function. If you see a marker on the map you agree with, give it a vote!

Do the survey

A bus in Feilding leaving the stop near Manchester Square