On this page, we’ve talked about our public transport activity that provides a vital transport option for many parts of our community. We’ve talked about services that we have already committed to prior to this Long-term Plan such as an improved network in Palmerston North and changing the funding arrangement for 2024-25 onwards for Te Ngaru – The Tide in Whanganui.
For all of the following service improvements we will be seeking a similar amount of funding from NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA)². Further consultation and engagement would occur for each of the proposed service improvements to ensure that any future public transport service best meets the needs of the community it serves. Horowhenua service improvements would be first cab off the rank, with consultation to occur in the second half of 2024. Whanganui would be next with consultation in late 2024 through to the first half of 2025. Consultation on the regional service improvements would occur in the second and third quarters of 2025. Additional resourcing to support the implementation of the proposals below will be sought in 2024-25.
Horizons is reliant on NZTA funding for the provision of all its existing and planned transport services. Central government is currently reviewing its funding priorities for transport infrastructure and services. For the period covered by this Long-term Plan, we have assumed that we will continue to receive at least the current level of funding. However, if this funding does not eventuate, we would be unable to continue to deliver our existing levels of service. We require further NZTA funding beyond our current level to deliver what we have planned for the future. Not receiving this funding would result in a significant reduction in levels of service and/ or a substantial increase in rates. While we are confident the existing level of funding will remain in place for at least the first three years of this plan, there is a high level of uncertainty in the latter years. If this was to occur before June 2027 this would trigger an amendment to the 2024 Long-term Plan, resulting in further public consultation, as per section 93E of the Local Government Act 2002.
Whanganui improvements

In Whanganui, Council is proposing to deliver improvements to the bus network through two additional high-frequency bus routes like Te Ngaru – The Tide from 2025-26. Horizons contribution for these improved services to deliver a whole new network in Whanganui that is fast, frequent and direct, is outlined below as Option 1. Option 2 outlines delivering the service improvements over a longer period of time and being fully operational by 2028-29 and Option 3 is remaining at the current service status quo.
*This means that for every $100,000 of your property’s capital value (if based in Whanganui), the value stated will be charged on your rates each year.
**This activity is rated 100% targeted to properties in the Whanganui district which are predominantly urban in character, based on equalised capital value.
New services for Horowhenua

Council is currently working with Horowhenua District Council and stakeholders on the future vision for public transport within the Horowhenua District. We are proposing to
- introduce new public transport services for the wider Horowhenua district including Levin,
- improve connections to the beach and rural towns, and
- greater frequency bus service to connect south to Waikanae and the passenger rail network south to Wellington in 2025-26. This is outlined as Option 1 below and would service a large proportion of Horowhenua communities which is experiencing a lot of growth. Option 2 would still provide a new public transport service within Levin but at a much smaller scale and would not include connections to the beach and rural towns, or a greater frequency for connections going south.
*This means that for every $100,000 of your property’s capital value (if based in Horowhenua), the value stated will be charged on your rates each year.
**This activity is rated 100% targeted to properties in the Horowhenua district which are predominantly urban in character, based on equalised capital value.
New and improved regional services
Council is proposing to support improved regional transport connections through the provision of a regional public transport network. While final prioritisation is still to occur via the March 2024 Passenger Transport Committee meeting*, this investment is expected to provide a new connecting service for the Tararua district, plus improved connections across the region including Whanganui, Marton, Levin, with many linking through Palmerston North and south into the Wellington region. Council is also proposing as part of this investment to investigate and implement rural connector services, connecting our rural communities to their nearest town or city – this is all to be operational by the end of 2026-27 and outlined as Option 1 below. Option 2 would look to still provide a new or improved service to the same areas, but at a much smaller scale.
*Held after this consultation document was prepared.
*This means that for every $100,000 of your property’s capital value, the value stated will be charged on your rates each year.
**This activity is rated 100% targeted to properties across the region which are predominantly urban in character, based on equalised capital value.