Tō mātou wawata | Our Vision
Our strategic framework ensures a big-picture focus when it comes to resource allocation, decision making and strategic oversight, particularly when dealing with the challenge of planning during uncertainty. Along with our vision, we have identified four strategic priorities and six community outcomes which will help us keep our eye on that big picture, especially when planning for the ten years ahead.
In August 2023 Council sought feedback on some indicative strategic priorities as early engagement to the Long-term Plan. The objective was to sense-check the priority areas councillors had identified, see what people considered most important in relation to activities to help achieve them, and ask if there were any other priorities the community wanted them to consider. The feedback from over 150 submissions indicated Council was on the right track regarding the priorities and helped formalise what was included in the following framework. The feedback in relation to activities that could help achieve the priorities was more varied, however still helpful, and a summary can be viewed here.
The purpose of local government is to promote the social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being of communities in the present and for the future. Council describes how it seeks to do this across the region through its six community outcomes. Council keeps these outcomes front and centre when it is making decisions that impact the current and future wellbeing of communities in the rohe. The community outcome regarding mana-enhancing relationships with iwi and hapū is a new addition for this Long-term Plan, and reflects our commitment to being Te Tiriti partners.
The priorities and community outcomes included in this framework has helped inform a lot of the decisions that have been made on the journey to where we have landed for this Long-term Plan. We welcome any feedback you have on the framework as a whole via our submission form included on this website.